good evening everybodyy..
and asalamualaikum..
aku baru jumpa sayang ku just now..
thanks syg,coz spending your night with me..
so let me story2 to u all..
subuh tadi,i received a call from someone.
and aku inda expect it was him..
aaahh,,aku tekajut..
you know why,his phone ada masalah...and bla3*aku ngaleh*
this morning i suruh ia dtg ke kelas,
coz i wanna give him sumthing of his own..
and it was his pendrive..
awwhh,i knew it is with me.p aku malas cari..
skip skip skip the break and class...
i met him during lunch tym..
and he is sweet,ambil aku di garage...
and you know what,
he made me surprise to the max ok..
a box was like,hmm,sitting arah seat atu,
and aku dgn innocent-nya betanya,apa nee??
hahah,and he answered,entah aahh..
and aku curios,of coz..hahah
and that time, lagu sheila on 7 bekumandang*adib sengaja,keh*
aahh,and i was reading this lovely card made by him,
huhu..otw lagi ku menangis..
sikiiiiit sha lagi,banarr...
lagu nya ane lagi,huhu..mcm apaa..
senyum2 ku yaw sorg,adib cool saja..huhuhu..
ok next,this afternoon to evening..
he was spending time with me all night..
i mean,like ALL babe,ALL!!!!
before ane,ia selalu busy and no time for me..
well,thats what he thinks lah..
coz bagi ku,ok what,he still be with me time lunch time..
ganya aku kecarian time malam saja..
after went back from school and antar adi nya to work..
we went to my home..
then,we just spending time talking with my family..
pukul 8 we went to wesmart,urg atu gatal tgn kan buat makanan..
wesmart tah kami sekajap,then went home,ia buat "sausage australia"
hahaha..nice,kn kn..
and aku kanyang hantapss..
so next just duduk2 berehat..
awwhh,sweet..i know,to you boring..but ='))
bukan selalu ia buat cematu..i reckon..heheh
bah bah,i guess until now,
mata adib lagi sakit itu..
kesian,pitutan matanya..
i love you syg..
take a good care of your eyes,
tomorrow kan main bula,beguna tu mata aahh pakai meliat bula..
i love you my sweet guy the one and only i loved..
take care there..
and asalamualaikum,nighttyy people..
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
another sweet day in my life with Dibob HM
Monday, November 9, 2009
minggu yg sibuk bagi keluarg Abd Jalil Rashid
asalamualaikum everybody
and a very good morning..
hari ane hari sabtu,sorry for the delay uploading gambar..
sebabnya masa inda cukup,busy, malas plus2 connection damam..
sooo tuan yg kan upload gambar pun damam..bisaaiii,kn..
so here are the pictures..
dari nikah, to barang2 hantaran, and on sanding day..
i dedicate especially for abg kim yg ada di luar negara tym ane..
dude,it would be so much fun if you were around..
plus plus,kesian adibob kana bully leh uncle dillah..
nada abg kim, si adib yg kana bully..
so when you come back, jgn adib kamu dua bully ok..
pity him..hahahahaha..
so dude,enjoy this pictures,nanti when you come back here,
baru tah liat the full version..ane,terpaksa betapis pasal banyak yg terpaksa di sensored..hahaha
pengantin dgn pengapit pengantin,boo ya boopark-j-sung..argghhh,cuteee!
siblings..*sorry the lighting terlampau labih.*
dad,lapar kerr?
angah and her dearest daughter
gatal dayang syirah ane ikut begambar tah jua..hahah