Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday At Mumong

Fuyooo!!! gilak apa... on Sunday i woke up around 6 am yoo haha dat's not really me haha. I apologise to my frens who's awake by me hwahwahwa boring ku bh bngun awal ah nada kn d buat bek ngacau kmu tiduy hahaha. Well at 9 ish my family and i went to Mumong having Doa Selamat. We arrived around 11 ish haha that's 2 hours siting inside the car tungi jubuy ulehnya haha. Just enjoy the pictures Salam~

Having lunch with old style :)

Ladies la la la la la ladies ladies

Helping each other after lunch but not for me :p im busying with my MSN hahaha :p

Kurapak time :p

Talking about something that im not interested haha let the oldies do the talking and i busying with my MSN again hwehwehwe :p