Friday, September 25, 2009

raya raya raya..

asalamualaikum everybody...
wooww,it's such a long time since my very last post..
sorry so much all.
sebab terlambat kan update..
fuuuhh~ there is alot of story kan di share..
just me,waiting till i got my 'rajin mood' back..
this past week such a long long week lahh..
so missing my grandmother so muchh..
semoga roh nini dicucuri rahmat,amin..

currently me listening to raya song..
i need raya songs so much in order for me to get my mood..
and its a selected song,and special for my ears saja..hehe..
demandiing much??yeah yeah,sorryy..

so,where should i start??hmmm..
let me think.. *garu2 dagu*
tiiiiinnggggg *bulb belampung atas kepala ku*
well,me like to saya 'workless',nice kan??

let me start it on our last day of Ramadhan..
its 20/09/09..
i was supposed to meet my sweety at home,but then,aku kana telipun..
uncle dillah called that nini was,hmm,somehow,nazak??
entah laahhh..on the way atu,i was like kabak2..
inda menantu..i still remember how i felt at that time..
dtg hospital,looked at nini,inda g dapat ditahan aing mata..
sedih,takut and kabak2,it became one..
i know nini wont stay any longer by looking at her condition..
but,i know nini was strong,trying to fight her sickness..
bacakan yassin,thats all we can do..
but then,we went home..............................................
subuh nya,nini was gone...gone forever pukul 5am...
its true what nini said,she wont celebrate raya with us this year..
sedih nya inda terkata...
she was like our parents sudah..
time my parents nada di brunei,whare my parents have to go to KL,
coz babah ada operation kaki,nini was the one yg jaga kami..
nini always gave advice to us,no matter in what situation..
no matter how old we matter how naughty we were..
rasa kehilangan coz now,nada nini lagi kan urut kan parut and kepala kami..
nada nini lagi kan bagi advice and sharing her past time story..
and nada lagi nini kan menumpah ambuyat,the best ambuyat ever..
p kami bersyukur pasal dapat jaga nini sepanjang ia sakit..
alhamdulillah,semoga roh nini dicucuri rahmat..

21/09/09-first day of raya..
i thought we would never go beraya..
p rupanya jalan jua..opss,i missed my sembayang raya..
kes ngaleh inda ku mampu tebgn..ngaleeh hantapp...
then wearing the sama baju dgn family,
before jalan,bejarah..
then went to nini amit,tua Masin,anty Jijah..
lapas atu Zoom ke rumah Nini Bungsu,babu Apai,Babu Aning,Usu Idin..
pastu ke Danau,arah Tua Danau,older brother of my father,
330 went to kubur..semuanya pakai baju raya..
kalau ada nini masih,we will go to her house beraya di sana saja..
p ane,nada lagi kan di aga,(i missed you nini)
lapas ke kubur went straight to home,and preparing for makan tahlil..
that goes the same till 3 hari...

22,23/09/09-2nd and 3rd raya..
stayed at home kali..i dont remeber..

24/09/09-4th day raya..
go jalan dgn syg kuu...mula2 ke rumah si My,bekumpul disana..
nice,tepat masa eyh kawan2 si adib ahh..bisaaaiii.. tutong...andddddd hmmm......................................
malas eeyh kan cerita..
teluan siuk2 belajuu,tau2 lah apa jadi,kn syg??haha
went home,mcm biasa ada tahlil and maka2 between family saja..

25/09/09-5th day of raya
pagi nothing to do..just stay at home,jadi anak dara yg baik..
ptg after urg balik sembayang jumat,went to my sepupu punya rumah,
around mulaut kali,ada open house..
and theeeenn,rumah abg diman..
went home,yes i went jalan with my sweetyPo..
arah si WAfiy the si bestie,Zimah...
lapas atu,balik ke rumah tahlil and makan2..
(kes malas g kan becerita)

26/09/09-6th day of raya..
mula2 bgn this morning,yg pop out in my mind is...................
"oh god,beraya rumah syg!!"
hahah..takuuut,sampai sasak nafas ku tadi pagii..
but then it went well,alhamdulillah..
hope they like my kek batik,yg baru ku buat di malam..
nyaman kali aahhh.ahaha..entah laahh,ikut liur urg jua bah..
thanks syg,as always =))..
then went to Babu hjh Ros,cuzn my dad,is equal to my second cuzn..
nyaman kamu the butter milk prawn..
the brownies,the ice cream,the drinks,AND THE TAPAK KUDA ALSO!!!
my goshhh,all i can say,ITS TOTALLY PERFECT!!!
as usual tiap2 taun ke rumah nya,inda pernah mengecewakan..
its perfecto babyyy..nyummmyy
pastu balik ke rumah nini shasha..around rimba jua..
naaaahhh,now aku mengampai di rumah saja..
ngaleh ku,mengantuk..huargghhh..
ok lah,at least be update sudah blog uleh ku..
menunggu si adib mengupdate,BALOOOOMMM!!!! kan melayan dvd ku dulu..

p/s;later on makan tujuh hari..alfatihah..

-khal jalil-

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


asalamualaikum everybody..
apa kabarnya??'
well,this is gonna be such a short post..
my hand ane gatal kan menaip,
so i was like thinking,myb i should update blog..
ehehe..but then,i am so malas to talk about anything..
i missed my By alot..
aahhh,he's busy doing something..
nevermind then,i understand that..teehee..

oh oh,tadi afternoon me was really2 in mentel mode..
my msn yg lama broke down..
and i was like,"blughhh,what the heck happening??"
saya itu mau o9 dgn si Buah hati..
then tiba2,saya mau sign in itu MSN,
ia cakap must download yg baru punya msn,baru mau buka..
hell,kn kn??
sasak kuuu..tym2 ku kn dating atu,mcm2 tia yg happen..
sikiiiit lagi kan menangis..
then i download lah was like,aku cuba try banyak kali,
but it turned out shiiittt..hahahah..
opsss,censored babe...puasa puasa,sabaaar..
but then,alhamdulillah,few minutes before sungkai i checked my laptop,
weeeheeee,dapat dahh..
and and,hmm,msn ku yg baruu..haha..
feeling awkward much..p kata baby po ku,i will get use to it..

and tonight??
aaaahhh,so lonely..
my sweetypo,i missed youu By..aloot like i cannot even explain alot nya atu..haha
well,trying to make my night busy..
finishing my shorthand,and oh yaa,dvd-ing..
i watched 'if only' just now..
andddd it was such a sweet and tragic bla3 movie..
menangis me tadi eyhh,crying like a baby..
it was sedih laahhh..and ROMANTIC!!!
awwhh,me rindu baby Panda me so muchh..
By sayaaanngg,i need you a lot..huhuhu..

usu told me just now,
last minute ia gtau aku..
entah aku mcm not prepare at all..
coz aku plan kan buat some cookies and cake for this hari raya..
but then,hmm,boring jua ku...
huahuhuh..miana aahh??hmm..
entah laahh..liat lah miana..

bh guys,i guess thats all..
i am craving for my Po soo much..
huhuh...take care all..

-khal jalil-

Monday, September 14, 2009

This is Love Story

Sunday, September 13, 2009

great+sad weekend

asalamualaikum everyboday...
and good morning to all whoever pass by and read this blog..
well.....actually lots to talk about lahh..
and letme start to talk about pasal last saturday..

last saturday my "hjh Inil's Family" mengadakan majlis tahlil..
banyak yg datang,atu baru balah2 my mum..
baru adi beradi my mum..
balum lagi segala sepupu-sepapat dan lain2..
entah panuh kali kem eyh..fuuuhh..

p alhamdulillah,semuanya berjalan dgn lancar..
and kepada yg menulung secara lansung and tidak langsung,terima kasih banyak..
(after this have to update my family's punya blog)

the crowd started pukul 5pm..
(thanks to my By coz dtg memeriahkn majlis jua)
and the food was awesome,
eventhough me inda makan banyak banar..
the food mmg like what i think lahh..
banyak and meja wont fit all the food..
thats a good thing not to have caterer for our function..
pasalnya,all my anty and uncle mmg bring food dari rumah..
its either desert,appetizer,drinks or main course..
thanks to all lahh..*terharu,lap2 aing mata*

then after sungkai,we go sembayang..
and good,tutup karan,AGAIN!!!
tym sembayang tutup karan..
sikit lagi ku kan beteriak..nasib baik sembayang..haha
riuh urg di dapur..bisinggg ahh..nasib baik sembayang,
mun inda aku join sekaki..haha...
iatah tym makan after sembayang atu,makan dlm galap tu ah..
kesiann bah..entah tetulus kah jua inda tuu tulang ikan..
haha..nasib nada yg ketulangan pasal makan dlm galap..
ia kan,andangnya bah tu,tym puasa sha tutup karan..
well,balum lagi tym raya,lagiiii hebat tutup karannya..
it happened 2 taun beturut2 sudah...mudahan taun ane,it wont happen again..

but then,the saddest thing happen when nini have to go to hospital..
via ambulance..
well,i didnt expect that we have to antar our grandma pakai ambulance..
but then,since nini looked like teruk,and getting lamah,
my anty said better pakai ambulance,
tantu tarus emergency..
kalau pakai transport sendiri,u'all know lah kan hospital brunei ane,lambat..
so,better pakai ambulance saja lah..
cepat and bisai..
nini look so pale,and rupanya nini langsung inda sadar yg ia kana bawa atu..
rupanya pengsan tah sudah tuu.. ='(
nasib jua inda ku menangis tym atu (thanks By for the support and comfort)

and after atu,cleaning campaign..
iatah ku kusut habis ne cleaning campaign segala ane..
huhu,sakit jiwa ku..iinda g betantu jalan ku..
kajap ke atas,kajap ke bawah..
lapas atu keluar,then masuk rumah balik..
mentel ku..sakit seluruh tubuh ku ane..banar..
nasib baik ada By dgnkan..hahaha..
ngaleeeh ku ngaleehh....p inda apa,malam atu saja ku ngaleh..
malam2 lain,inda..hahah..

to By,thanks once again..
pasal sanggup akhir balik just to accompany me,kah?haha..
i had fun with u around,even inda berapa telayan pasal me busy..
p next time,will panggil by lagii,k by??sure??I LOVE YOU!!hehe

13/09/09 (sunday)
sundaaayyy!!!yeaayy,i is no like sunday..
sunday is like such a very tiring day ever in my life..
pagi i went webcam dgn my sweetyBy aka my Poo~
sambil buat shorthand..ok,set,shorthand ku banyak lagi ne..
see,jobless already..tym stress meliat shorthand,liat muka si Po sha.
cute bahh..hahaha..mhgs =))

ptg pukul 1 till 9pm,buat kuih session..
yes,i know,8hours wah bekeraja ahh..
p inda jua ku stress banar,coz tym bekeraja atu,ketawa2..
dgn kaka and amah my usu..hahah..
waduuuh,sampai at one tym atu,we becakap sampai gagap..
toinng,kes ngaleh sudah...inda g tecakap bahh..
ketawa i sampai gulik2..hahaha..cacat eyhhh...

then malam,went online sekajap before i went jalan..
jalan dgn abang maniiss..hahah..thanks for the treat syg..

ok lah palss,i guess thats all for now..
such a long post kan??
well,mmg pun panjang..dah lama blog ane inda beupdate..,me update laaahhh...
suka??sukaa~~ *angguk2 kepala*
so all,take care..have a nice day..
and insya allah will post lagi nantii..

Friday, September 11, 2009

black out,just a while ago =()

hye all..asalamualaikum..
having a great night,people??
yeah,i hope so kamu kamu..
coz just know,i did have fun...
with my cuzzies,well,little cuzzies i would say..
baru ane,just tutup karan..
around rimba i guess,coz ku liat,
balum apa2 status urg di FB aah,
semua pasal tutup karan..haha..nice eyh..
well,di atas tuu are just some random pictures..
coz tadi banyak wahh my little cuzzies atu.
so me panggil all of them,then begambar laahh..
well,it was just a part of them,not all lahh..
i was singing out load antadi..haha..adakaah patut..
what tym was tadi tu??
owhh 1030..i reckoned my neighbor betiduran sudah..
hahah..p what the heckk..i dont care..toingg~~

well well well,what else babyy???
owhhh,i baru jer tengok cerite Syurga cinta..
pinjam dari si Buah hati pengarang jantung..
it was awesome!!!
i cried almost every scene where awal ashaari cried alsoo.
been thinking of you,my By...huhuhu..
inda apa lah,my By busy now..buat report..

owh owh,shorthand ku..havent done yet..
well,mmg pun myb it wont finish until school re-open next 2 weeks.
coz saya malas hantaaap tym ane..
tadi ada saya buat,pasalnya ada dgn,my friend temanin gue..
then lapas atu,malas tia balikk..
bagus aaahh,malas atu ku asuh baahh..sudah sebati dalam jiwa dan raga..
cheeeh,tak patut tak patut..hahaha..
so,raya ane,saya akan beraya dgn shorthand di tgn..
hahaha..suka nyeeer....
kuih raya pun krg bersulam dgn shorthand..
wowww,aku over..hahahah..

theeen,what else..oh oh,me wanna post a special picture here..
especially for my POoOooooOO~~~
I LOVE YOU,BY...more each day *lap2 aing mata*

Thursday, September 10, 2009

20th day of Puasa

hello ya'all..asalamualaikumm..
Khal Jalil introduce to u awal2,
so that u wont be that stress thinking myb si Dibob yg update..

today??hmm,hows class??
well,its like mcm biasa jua...
but then,i can see,my classmate(ND/SCR/05) mcm lamah semua..
kenapa aahh??
ITM ada kelas,with miss precy..
as usual,the class was just in average..
shiuk jua,inda jua..
the ACC class,sekejap aje miss Siti masuk..
and she greeted all of us SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!
owhh,i am so loving today's shorthand class..
new chapter,meaning to say MUCH HOMEWORK AKA DRILLING!!
and fun laah class nya today,sorry coz penyeluru miss..but really,i had fun..
but then,stress pasal homework betimbun..huhuh :'((
homework untuk raya lh tuu,inda lainn..

owhh,break like..jumpa si buah hati pengarang jantung..
cheh,usulnya...hy dearest..had much fun today with you,By..teehee :$:$

ok lah,thats it i guess..connection inda berapa baik jiekk.hahah
ada urg atu mengajar that bahasa..from his classmate baah..
thanks aah sebab mengajar,hmm,what else aah??
i guess thats it..sweetdreams everybody..
i need sleep,coz me is so the mengantuk already..
and yeah,thanks to si Dibob HM sebab give me permission updating his blog,
as my own blog ada masalah sikit,which buat aku mentel..haha..=pp

-khal jalil-


Muhammad Adib bin Hj Masri is no longer available..

p/s: KJ here updating for his dull lagi boring blog,coz inda lagi pernah kan berupdate dari bulan mei yg si KJ ane his newly GF since 09/09/09,so me dgn senang hati update kan his Dibob,jgn malas2 weyhhh!!!heheheh... =))

-khal jalil-