Friday, September 11, 2009

black out,just a while ago =()

hye all..asalamualaikum..
having a great night,people??
yeah,i hope so kamu kamu..
coz just know,i did have fun...
with my cuzzies,well,little cuzzies i would say..
baru ane,just tutup karan..
around rimba i guess,coz ku liat,
balum apa2 status urg di FB aah,
semua pasal tutup karan..haha..nice eyh..
well,di atas tuu are just some random pictures..
coz tadi banyak wahh my little cuzzies atu.
so me panggil all of them,then begambar laahh..
well,it was just a part of them,not all lahh..
i was singing out load antadi..haha..adakaah patut..
what tym was tadi tu??
owhh 1030..i reckoned my neighbor betiduran sudah..
hahah..p what the heckk..i dont care..toingg~~

well well well,what else babyy???
owhhh,i baru jer tengok cerite Syurga cinta..
pinjam dari si Buah hati pengarang jantung..
it was awesome!!!
i cried almost every scene where awal ashaari cried alsoo.
been thinking of you,my By...huhuhu..
inda apa lah,my By busy now..buat report..

owh owh,shorthand ku..havent done yet..
well,mmg pun myb it wont finish until school re-open next 2 weeks.
coz saya malas hantaaap tym ane..
tadi ada saya buat,pasalnya ada dgn,my friend temanin gue..
then lapas atu,malas tia balikk..
bagus aaahh,malas atu ku asuh baahh..sudah sebati dalam jiwa dan raga..
cheeeh,tak patut tak patut..hahaha..
so,raya ane,saya akan beraya dgn shorthand di tgn..
hahaha..suka nyeeer....
kuih raya pun krg bersulam dgn shorthand..
wowww,aku over..hahahah..

theeen,what else..oh oh,me wanna post a special picture here..
especially for my POoOooooOO~~~
I LOVE YOU,BY...more each day *lap2 aing mata*