Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I would like to say HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY TO HJH SITI NORSHAHWIDAYU a.k.a TWEETY LOVER haha may Allah bless you :D

SURPRISE!!!! We make a suprise party for Ms Tweety Ayu hwehwe i have the video but sadly our birthday girl don't want me to pose in my blog hehe sorry :p

Me and Diyana had plan this last night. As soon as we arrived at Hospital PMMPMBHAMB doing our survey, i approach to Untie Suspicious to negotiate with her to buy a birthday cake for Ms Tweety Ayu. We plan to suprise her during lunch time hehe

Nah surprise tia udh haha i would like congratulate to the actor and actress who have been involved making this suprise more menanigful to our Ms Tweety Ayu hehe



My models haha nda pndai2 branti kn begambar :p

Dang salah jemputan kh??? bufday c Ms Tweety x ah iski tia jua kn bgmbar hwewhwe :p