Wednesday, December 30, 2009

headache kills me

asalamualaikum semuanya
how are you??
ok here,my condition is not ok!!
look at the title,HEADACHE
yes,headache again and again..
i dont know what happened lately,but seriously this headache is killing me..
thanks to syg coz sanggup balikan "alai" panadol actifast..
its unexpected darling..thanks,muahaaaazz

so lastnight,i went to adib's crib..
menyoto di sana..haha..sooodap beb the soto..
nyummy,me love..
and ada urg nyanyi2 and i love the "DDR" game..
well,aku malu banarnya kan main,coz i don't know how to play it..
sooo,i surrender..haha..
then i went home early..

so today,i am not so active lah..coz of this headache..
just lying on my bed and resting..

so guys,its less than a week the school will reopen..
seriously,i miss the chaos of the classmate ♥ ,
the messy-disoreder classroom ♥ ,
my clean table ♥ and comfort chair with cushion of mine ♥ ..
i just can't wait..just can't wait to meet the friends..
and fight!!hahaha..fight as in friendly-fight,ok??

this is what i missed the most!! classroom!!

teman2 dgn begila!! thats you you and you!!

teman2 dgn kelaie.haha
and class photo ='))
but this is what i miss the most..MY LOVE!!
gonna meet you every lunch hour syg..i love you!!
you are my best medicine and thanks for everything..