Sunday, December 27, 2009

relationship test =)

hello guys..
wohohoo..akhir sudah weyhh..
but i don't feel like kan tidur.
i am tired,but what ever..
meet adib just now..
thanks syg for coming..
over the limit sudah time syg balik atu..hehe
so next,jobless quizzes..
wohoho,rajin eyh aku aah..
but this aku curi dari blog urg..hehe..
well at least i am being honest,kn?
muahahahha..enjoy pals..

Who is your man?
- Muhammad Adib Hj Masri

How long have you been together?
- almost 4 months

- dating,but i wish to be engaged and hope to be married =)

How old is your man?
- 20 (uuu~tua dahh =D)

What's his middle name?
- KJ?? apakan??haha

You or your man who eats more?
- kedidia..parut ku damit

Who said "I love you" first?
- anyone..

Who sings better?
- aku lerr..haha..both of us,i shall say

Who's Older?
- him.

Who's smarter?
- hmm, sincerely speaking, he is.


Who's temper is worse?
- meyh =s

Who does the laundry?
- i do my own,and him, amah tulung buat kan,haha

Who does the dishes?
- liat keadaan, morover we are not living under one roof..

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
- haha,katil ku single..while him,i dont know..becampur bergaul with his siblings aah..haha

Whose feet are bigger?
- syg ku~~

Whose hair is longer?
- aku laahh,duh~

Who's better with the computer?
- syg~

Who cooks dinner?
- my mom..hahahahahaa

Who drives when you are together?
- he does..i don't drive

Who pays when you go out to dinner?
- depends lah, sapa bawa jalan,means it his/her treat..

Who's the most stubborn?
- hmm,im not sure

Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong?
- syg~

Whose parents do you see more?
- both =)

Who named your dog?
- si kuyuk,hahah..

Who kissed who first?
- siapa cepat dia dapat hahah

Who asked who out?
- depends lah..

Who's more sensitive?
- i do

Who's taller?
- errr,we are in the same height, fair enough..hehe

Who has more friends?
- my friends is equal to his friends..his friends means my friends,so balance =)

Who has more siblings?
- syg~

Who wears the pants in the relation?