Friday, March 21, 2008

Exhausted Holidays


I did tell you what I done yesterday right??? Well I'll show you some of the pictures that I took this morning. Enjoy :D

We start doing this shit around 7:00 am and we finished at 11:30 am. At first it's just only me and my 3 lovely brothers (eath krg ;p) haha. Then came maid around 9:00am and lastly my beloved dad haha. We almost finished cangkuling and skopping my back home. You can see there's a zinc at pictures no.4 that is to hold the mud from coming back to my house who's land is that???

Some of the mud that destroy our back home.

When to Jame for Jumat Prayers with my dad and my brothers

I just realised that this was my date of birth hwahwahwa